The DACC has special relationship with the Abel Tasman Museum in Lutjegast, a town in Groningen, where Abel Tasman was born. There have been visits from Australian to Lutjegast and the other way around.
There is more information on their website.
The images below are displays from the Abel Tasman Museum in Lutjegast, Local Government area “Westerkwartier”, province of Groningen. It is the rural village where Tasman was born. . The small Museum is positioned in the new Community House (Dorpshuis) Kompas and is part of an elaborate tourist initiative which is connected to “Lutje Batavia” and various other educational and tourist interests.

The photos below are taken during a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 2017 to celebrate that it was 375 years ago since Abel Tasman’s ships sailed to Tasmania and New Zealand. The trip was chaired by Mr. Harke Bosma,who manages the Abel Tasman Museum in Lutje Gast. Harkema also visited the DACC. A picture was taken of him and DACC’s member Klaas Woldring in front of the replica of the 1637 painting of Abel Tasman and his family. Mr. Bosma and team went on to Canberra, Melbourne, Tasmania and New Zealand to participate in festivities. The team also arranged for the loan of the original 1637 painting of Tasman, his second wife and child by a leading Museum in Groningen city. The original painting is owned by the Photo Gallery in Canberra. It was loaned for six months.

SBS Radio Interview: ‘Nederlands-Australische architect Feiko Bouman droomt van museum voor Abel Tasman in Lutjegast’
See also: Abel Tasman – images, maps