Social needs of a large proportion of Dutch migrants were historically met by involvement with Dutch-oriented clubs and organisations, most of which were ‘highly compartmentalised’ [verzuiling] into religious affiliated groups, leading to minimal unity and consensus. To foster co-operation while maintaining Dutch culture, The Federation of Netherlands Organisations in Queensland (FNOQ) Inc was founded in 1982. This umbrella organisation published the bi-monthly magazine `De Meerpaal’ and organised the yearly Federation-ball. FNOQ published the ‘Dutch Australian Community Directory’ in 1996. Delegates from member-groups (not all Dutch groups have membership) met bi-monthly as the FNOQ-Council. While co-operation is strongly encouraged, the associated groups functioned autonomously and remained independent. The organisation ceased operations. The Netherlands Association of Queensland is the only remaining member still active.

See also: Federation of Netherlands Societies in NSW