In November 1967 the Federation of Netherland societies was incorporated under the company’s act .
The articles of association were signed by the following;
- Dutch Sunrise Choir
- Dutch Folk dancing Association
- Netherlands Society in Sydney
- Sydney Austral Ltd
- The Carnival Society “The Boomerangs”
- The Netherlands Society Bankstown
- The Netherlands Society in the Sutherland Shire
None of the inaugural societies are still in existence. The federation’s membership today stands at some 20 organisations.
In the early years the Federation organised some football matches between the clubs and tried to arrange a Federation agenda to prevent Clubs working in competition. The Federation began organising “Orange Day’ parties in the City.
There were some St. Nicholas meetings and one at least one occasion did when St Nick arrived by boat and rode his white horse to the Town hall for a community celebration.
In 1971, the Federation were involved with the then Sutherland Society. They began planning and then building a retirement village at Miranda. This now known as the “Juliana Village” which opened in 1980.
In the mid nineteen seventies The Federation started the Instuif Groups (coffee mornings) which are run by volunteers, who stay in contact with Dutch people as they aged at home.
The Federation assisted in the establishment of 2EA (pre SBS) in 1976.
The Federation has also been active on the political front when the Australian government were going to ban KLM from flying into Australia.
The Federation were also instrumental in getting the Holland Festival at Fairfield in 1982. Which lasted until 1996.
In 1985 The Federation formed a committee to study the need for a second retirement Village. This resulted in the Opening of Abel Tasman Village in 1994.
In November 1987 The Federation organised holidays for senior Dutch people and this was run by volunteers. The Federation assisted financially for all participants at the Holiday camps.
In 1988 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands Visited Australia and The Federation was involved in preparation for the visit. A second Holland Festival was organized for this the occasion and the Netherlands Queen visited that festival.
The Federation was involved with the 50 years remembrance since WWII in 1995. The Federation organised a street party and was attended by representative of the United States of American, Canadian and Dutch Embassies.
Manifest of the Federation on page 3 of the newspaper below.
Article from the Dutch Australian Weekly below was written by Dr. Cor Wouters