“Het Kompas” was a Dutch-language publication that was established in Sydney in the early 1950s, by Catholic Dutch Migrant Organisation (CDMO) (Katholieke Nederlandse Migranten Organisatie – KNMO). It was a Catholic publication aimed at serving the Dutch Catholic community in Sydney and the surrounding areas.
Dr Cornelius Wouters served as an editor for the KNMO’s publication. ‘Het Kompas” was published on a regular basis and was distributed to members of the Dutch Catholic community in Sydney, including those who attended Dutch-language Mass at local Catholic churches. The publication played an important role in keeping members of the community informed about Catholic events and other news related to the Dutch Catholic community.

The Dutch Catholic community in Sydney was served by several Catholic churches, including the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Randwick (see picture), which offered Dutch-language Mass on a regular basis. The community also held regular social events and gatherings for its members.