Philips factory in Newcastle produced almost all Australia’s electric lamps for 70 years

Pierre van der Eng Dutch firm NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken exported its incandescent lamps to agents in Australia since 1912. Its lamp sales increased quickly during World War I, when Australian imports form the UK dwindled. In 1926 Philips established its own subsidiary company in Sydney: Philips Lamps (Australasia) Ltd. It Read more…

First Dutch contacts in Australia – Cape York and Torres Strait 1606 to 1643

RELATING TO: The Voyage of the Duyfken – Willem Janszoon (Master) and Jan Lodewijkszoon van Rosingeyn (Supercargo) , West Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, 1606. Documentary Sources other than original Journals Recording Navigator: J Carstenszoon 1623, taken from:“Summary abstract of the Journal of the … voyage of discovery … with the yachts Pera and Read more…