3 March 1942, the Japanese attack on Broome. 70 years later the WA government, Federal Australian, Dutch and American governments honour the fallen and survivors.

SBS Video 7-3-2017

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At the event in Broome all the sone of Gus Winckel were present at the commemoration.

Mykeljon Winckel – youngest son of Gus with Nonja Peters Director then of the Migration, Ethnicity, refugees and Citizenship research unit at Curtin University

See also:

The Drama of Broome 3-3-1942

Seaplane crash saved people from Japanese attack on Broome – Gerard Lemmens 1942

Dutch involved in marine archaeology in Broome

SBS Video – Broome March 1942 – Pilot Henk Hasselo and Navigator Frits van Hulsen remember. 8-3-2012